Maasai Village
Kim with the kids before the tour begins. Guarding the enterance. Joe and the boys getting ready to jump. Wow, Joe almost jumping! Kimberly rocks it out with the gals. Joe and Dennis, notice the LACC cap? Dennis and the rest of the guys. |
The village is about twice the size of a football field. It is mud huts with thached roofs arranged in an oval surrounded by a stick and thorn fence. lt is set up as a "tourist trap" - there's a pen next to the village where there are about 30 stalls selling crafts and hand made items - but the people do live there. Dennis, our Maasai guide wanted to make clear to us that there were about 150 people in this family village, and it was imperative that the men get their wives from other families in other villages. The central area was full of dried dung. The men who started the fire "gave" me the hard wood stick and the soft wood piece for five dollars. We bought about eight items and we paid $108.00. It was all the dollars I had. They don't take Kenyan shillings - only U.S. dollars. They make a small pile of embers by rubbing the hard wood into the soft wood. See the guy holding the dried bits of sticks and dung? Then they put the burning embers on the dried pile and blow. It works!
Kimberly and Dennis in the guest hut. Joe and a warrior sat on the other "bench". It was hot, smokey and not in any way comfortable. How much was real and how much was for show? We'll never know. |