Panama la Veija - Ruins of 1671


This was the bell tower and look out tower, facing the sea. The beach is about 100 feet away. You can still see the ruins of the wall which encireced the city. It's remnants are visable around the entire site.

This view is from where the church interior would have been facing where the altar was (towards the sea). The roof was timber and burnt by Morgan and his men.

LIfe Among the Ruins

Kimberly, behind the tower, in what would have been the vestibule, behind the alter.

That's me through a hole in a house.


Kimberly in the ruins of one of the houses inside the walls of the old city.


This is part of a wall which has been partically restored.









































































Kimberly, on what was the main street inside the walled City. In 1761, Panama City was the richest city in the "New World" as it was an important point for almost all gold taken from the natives of that new world.

Joe walking towards the "main street."

This is the view from the top of the tower


A very old tree.