Our First Stop: This is the man-made Lake Minden. A quiet RV Camp untill the Jet Ski Races... |
Our second night was spent near the Lassen Forrest, a camp called "Hat Creek" - close to Old Station about an hour east of the 5, north of Reedly, California.
This sign helped us out of the thick forrest of tall trees and huge lava rocks - wish we would have taken more pictures...
Our next stop was on the Oregon coast, called Whaler's Rest, near the town of Newport on the Yakima Bay. We stayed three nights. It was lush, wet, cold and so not LA! is that smog or just mist? Historic Bay Street, Newport, Oregon...... Historic Yakima Bay (see the smog, yer, mist?. This fish cleaner was below our lunch resturant.
Our next stop was one night at Chehalis RV Park, on the 5, near Chehalis, Washington. Big, tall trees and so very green. This was the only camp where we just could not get satellite TV. For action shots of the Landship pulling out right past you...click here!
Our next stop was Crescent Bar RV Park. On a man-made lake caused by the Gorges Dam in central Washington (off the 90). It looked like Arizona (and not the cool parts) we rested there two nights... Thought it would be nicer.
So that brings us to Little Diamond RV Park. The last place we stayed before we got "out west." Just as heavily wooded with huge tall trees as Chehalis... But this time I used all the wisdom of my paleo-indian ancestors' general knowldge of trees, the earth and the direction south. I pointed the satellite dish south (even though it was blocked by trees) knowing that the satallite was at 131 dregrees (east of south). There was an opening in the sky and bing, boom, bang... we got TV! See the white dome? Way in the back (at the end of the cable)? This is the view from my satellite dome in the general direction of the satellite.