Yellowstone & Cody, WY

For those following the story in chronological order:

Anaconda, MT. (see below)

Yellowstone Valley & Cody, WY.

Cody Gun Fight.

Cody Trail Town.

Cody Nite Rodeo.

Yellowstone Buffalo Encounter LIVE!

Yellowstone: Pools.

Yellowstone: Wildlife.

All Five Cody Museums.

LIVE: Buffalo Encounter!

More Colorful Pools

More Yellowstone Wildlife.


Cody's Historic Trail Town


This is Buffalo Bill Cody announcing the shootout.

It is done for charity so buy a poster, will ya? We did.

We didn't stay there... more on the RV campsite and the town.

All Five Museums

. . . This is the resort near the RV Park we stayed for one night in Anaconda MT. Wanna camp in a fake TeePee with wooden floors?

They call Montana "Big Sky Country."

This fork with in the road with two choices of nothing is a great symbol of the state!

But it is a big sky, right?