Lake Nakuru
The Thompson Falls Legend
The locals tell a story of a woman who hated her cat for always eating her meat. Once when she found the cat eating her dinner she was so enraged she grabbed the cat, ran to the falls and went to throw it over the falls. At that moment the cat grabbed her shirt so tight that she threw herself over with the cat. Hey it's Day 6 and we still look good!
Lake Nakuru is shrinking, but still so many birds. A rhino and her baby. She's getting ready to charge. |
Warthog v. Leopard: The leopard is in the bush facing the warthog who keeps rushing the cat, then offering it's back, and then running away. Jacob said the warthog was testing to see if the leopard was hungry (probably to see if his family was safe). The leopard must have gotten bored. The cat had his water and walked away from the feisty warthog. Warthog 1 Leopard 0 Jacob said we were very lucky to see a leopard. He called the leopard "the prince of elusiveness."
The Great Rift Valley - where humanity started.