The site is litterally in the middle of a scrub brush jungle. People are not allowed on these pryamids.
It was very hot and humid at this site. It is massive and had been built over the course of nearly 1000 years.
You can see the difference between what they call the "classical period" and the "late classical period."
This sink hole is at the site.
No swimming allowed.
This sink hole was five stories down.
That's Joe standing at the edge.
This is the king's throne box outside the ball court. |
This outside view of the ball court shows us the king's box on ground level and his viewing box above. Its not Lambeau Field, but its even older! |
This tower is a reconstruced corner of a pyramid showing a Mayan god with an elephant nose - eventhough there were no elephants in the Mayan world.
It seemed nearly everything was covered in these picture carvings. |
This temple and colums has pictures of "heros' carved in them.